Our mission is to serve a meal to anyone in the community who needs a meal for whatever reason, no questions asked.

We want to serve the meal in a welcoming environment.

We've tried to keep the program simple and doable since we provide the meal on a weekly basis

We have a small group of team leaders (6 people) who rotate the weekly responsibilities of getting the meal planned and served

We welcome outside groups who want to host a dinner - good because it gets the whole community involved and also helps to spread the word about the program.

We've worked with other community service groups - Salvation Army calls us when they have excess food, SOS has sent small groups of student volunteers for the past two winters, 4 Eagle Senior Care has asked us to supply meals for seniors each week.

Served 1,353 meals in 2015 - our 4th busiest year in the 12 years we have been running the program.

A few anecdotes from various years -

The man who came through the line and said he had just gotten out of the hospital and was on his way home

The man who told us if he hadn't heard about our dinner he wouldn't have had anything to eat that day

The bag of groceries left on the counter with a note in Spanish, saying the groceries were a thank you for helping them during a difficult time

The single mom who just moved to town and needed to meet people and get a little help with making ends meet.